Visiting schools with Milly Formby
Well … this was VERY fun.
My co-creator of A Shorebird Flying Adventure (CSIRO), Milly Formby AKA Microlight Milly, was passing through my patch - Hobsons Bay, Victoria. Milly and I worked on the book in separate parts of the country, meeting face to face only once. Being able to hook up on-line made it all possible. So we were pretty excited to be able to get together, visit schools and just hang out.
Heading off with Microlight Milly on some school adventures.
It was mid October and Milly had been traveling for over four months. She made it to Hobsons Bay in 19 flight legs having covered over 4,000 kilometres and and after visiting 44 schools and she was only a third of the way.
The purpose of the grand adventure is to raise awareness for migratory shorebirds and one of the ways of doing this, is visiting schools and sharing our book.
It was a buzz to see how switched on and knowledgeable the students and teachers are when it comes to matters of the environment. With months of endless rain and grey skies dragging everyone down, Milly’s visits are a joy. As I write this, she is now at Merimbula on the east coast and today she was live-streaming the activities of some Bar-tailed godwits; it’s amazing what can be done with a ‘scope and a mobile phone.
If your reading this, and haven’t already registered for a visit from Milly, and you live north of Merimbula, hope onto her website and put your name down. WING THREADS. And you can order our book HERE