Storyteller in iso


I’d be lying if said that I wasn’t disappointed at the way life has changed since Covid- 19. A full year of story adventures planned, cancelled with a few clicks of the mouse, no meeting up with creative collaborators, no choir and so it goes.

However I’m surrounded by optimistic, energetic and generous people and the wish to use our skills to help others quickly turned to action.

Hearing of so many teachers, parents and child carers looking for material to interest and engage children being home schooled, I set to work recording some of my repertoire for the young ones.

With only a phone to record (Lordy, these smart phones are amazing!) you can see the results on my video page.

Its been such a buzz receiving messages and thank yous and to know that my efforts are being enjoyed.

Absolutely delighted to receive these photos of a little fella chuckling away at the stories. Makes all the mess, strewn from one end of the house, worth it. Because recording stories is mess making.

Jackie Kerin on -line stories.jpg
I’ve even received a picture!

I’ve even received a picture!

Jackie Kerin